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17.08. - 30.08.2026 (14 Tage)Reederei
Quark ExpeditionsSchiff
pro Person26.076
pro Person15.338
pro PersonReiseverlauf abhängig von Wetter- und Eislage. Beschriebene Naturerlebnisse/Tiersichtungen sind mögliche Ereignisse auf den Expeditionen und nicht garantiert.
Arrive in the Icelandic capital and make your way to your included hotel. You will have the rest of the day to explore the city on your own.
This afternoon, you’ll board your vessel in Reykjavik and begin your expedition. Get ready for a great adventure ahead on our technologically-advanced ship Ultramarine, which is equipped with two twin-engine helicopters and a fleet of 20 quick-launching Zodiacs to deliver unique off-ship experiences in South Greenland.
As we cruise north across the Denmark Strait, with views of Greenland in the distance, your Expedition Team will prepare you for the adventures ahead. Learn about the storied history of the Arctic, its fascinating wildlife, geology, glaciology, ecology and climate, and the incredible sights you will soon explore. The team will also help you search for seabirds soaring around your ship, as well as whales that frequent the surrounding waters.
As we approach and arrive in Greenland, the first natural features you’ll see will be the towering steep-walled fjords and hanging glaciers. We’ll explore the uninhabited east coast. This area offers opportunities for wildlife sightings, including the possibility of polar bears and humpback whales. Activities include heli-landings, hiking, paddle excursions, Zodiac cruises, and shore landings in this remote, ice-laden landscape of tumbling glaciers, alpine vistas and wildlife. We set out for the wild fjords of the uninhabited east coast, one of which is Lindenow Fjord, also known by its Greenlandic name, Kangerlussuaq. Thousands of years ago, groups of PaleoInuit hunters and fishermen made their home in these isolated fjords, living off the land and surviving mostly on the resources provided by the sea—long before the arrival of European explorers and successive waves of migration prompted mass settlements. Traces of these early inhabitants can be found today against the backdrop of cascading glaciers and steep–walled mountains. The fjords are where you can observe plenty of wildlife, especially marine mammals. Rare sightings of polar bears are also possible as they drift down from the north on sea ice floes propelled by the East–Greenland current. Humpback whales are often sighted when entering f jords as the shallowing seas bring an upwelling of nutrients to the surface. While we keep our eyes peeled for wildlife, the magnificent alpine terrain invites us to explore by sea, land and air to immerse ourselves completely in the remote icescapes of the region. The wild east is ideal for heli landings, paddle excursions, hiking, Zodiac cruises and shore landings.
We’ll sail along the spectacular west coast of Greenland into the Westlands, the same journey the Greenlandic Norse followed to reach the Western fjords. You’ll experience the contrast between the Greenland Ice Sheet—the second-largest body of ice on the planet—and the grassy valleys of the coast, which is steeped in Viking history, especially at landmarks such as the Kujataa UNESCO World Heritage site. The latter provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the region’s history and cultural traditions, as well as the interaction between Norse and Inuit cultures. We’ll explore the mammoth Ice Sheet by helicopter, hike the surrounding foothills, cruise through ice-filled waters, and engage with local communities. We will visit the small settlement of Qassiarsuk, as well as the remains of Erik the Red’s estate of Brattahlíð, both of which offer further insights into South Greenland’s history and culture. You will appreciate quite quickly why Erik the Red chose this land as his home and gave Greenland its name: every direction you look rewards visitors with vistas of blue, ice-strewn waters set against a breathtaking backdrop of lush, verdant valleys and green pastures bursting with blooms.Unique to Greenland, and indeed the entire Arctic, warm microclimates deep in the fjords have created a surprisingly fertile Arctic Garden of Eden. South Greenlandic farming traditions dating back to Viking days are still kept alive. Many families work their remote sheep farms along the shores of the fjords, their lives very much attuned to the seasons as they produce a variety of organic homegrown produce (such as potatoes, turnips and kale). Also in the West, we find perfect access points to the Greenland Ice Sheet, which we’ll reach by helicopter. You’ll enjoy the most incredible views of the largest mass of ice in the northern hemisphere f lowing from the heights of the polar plateau to sea level. Become one of the very few people to ever set foot on this incredible body of ice during our included Greenland Ice Sheet Experience. Over these two days you will have the opportunity to explore the Ice Sheet, hike the surrounding foothills, cruise or paddle through the azure ice-filled waters, and engage with our local friends and partners during the most meaningful and in–depth community experiences offered on any Quark Expeditions voyage.
We’ll transit through the scenic 105-kilometer long Prins Christian Sund (Ikerasassuaq), and explore the dramatic f jords of South Greenland. Our team has planned a visit to the village of Aappilattoq, where you can experience local culture, music, and traditional foods. The journey continues to the steep-walled 70-kilometer Tasermiut Fjord, known as “Arctic Patagonia,” where overnight camping and various excursions are available amidst stunning glaciers and peaks. The maze of fjords, sounds, islets, inlets and skerries (rocky islands) in and around Cape Farewell (Nunap Isua) at Greenland’s most southern tip possesses its own particular magic. Transiting the Prins Christian Sund (Ikerasassuaq)—one of the world’s most scenic fjords—will be truly unforgettable. Guests can then look forward to dramatic mountain and seascapes with glaciers tumbling down to the sea, and spectacular vistas around every corner. Inhabiting this domain are Southern Greenlanders living on the frontier, a people as unique as the landscape they call home. This is where the migrating hunting peoples from the east finally settled around the European trading posts. The few villages in this southern region have gained a level of fame thanks to the inhabitants who remain steadfastly faithful to their hunting and fishing heritage. As mentioned above, we hope to visit Aappilattoq, perched on the shores of Prins Christian Sund, to introduce you to our local partners and friends. We want our guests to have the opportunity to listen to inhabitants’ stories, hear their music, taste their food, learn about their hunting traditions, and perhaps even join a friendly game of soccer as a player or spectator. Your time in Arctic Patagonia will allow you to marvel at the impressive glacier at its head, with rivers of ice tumbling toward the sea, and the imposing peaks of Nalumasortoq and Ulamertorsuaq that dominate the skyline, making for the most scenic backdrops to your hike or helicopter excursion.
As your Arctic adventure winds down, you can take in a polar presentation by our onboard experts, share your photos, sip an icy cocktail in the bar, or watch a movie. This is a great opportunity to ask members of Expedition Team any remaining questions you have about any aspect of your voyage.
You’ll disembark in Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital, at the end of your journey. If you have booked post-expedition accommodation, we provide a transfer to a central downtown location.
Führung während der gesamten Reise durch unsere erfahrenen Expeditionsleiter, einschließlich Landgänge und andere Aktivitäten
Alle Zodiac-Transfers und Fahrten gemäß dem Tagesprogramm
Alle Landgänge gemäß dem Tagesprogramm
Unterkunft an Bord mit täglichem Housekeeping
Alle Mahlzeiten, Snacks, alkoholfreie Getränke und Säfte an Bord während der gesamten Reise (Bitte informieren Sie uns so weit wie möglich im Voraus über eventuelle Diätwünsche. Die Schiffsküche kann leider keine koscheren Mahlzeiten zubereiten).
Bier, Standardweine und -spirituosen sowie Cocktails während der Barservicezeiten und beim Abendessen; sowie Kaffee, Tee und Kakao rund um die Uhr verfügbar
Jeder Gast kann sich mit jeweils einem Gerät beim Wi-Fi-Service des Schiffes anmelden. Dieser ergänzende Wi-Fi-Dienst ermöglicht grundlegendes Surfen im Internet, vorbehaltlich Satellitenempfang
Formelle und informelle Präsentationen durch unser Expeditionsteam und Gastredner nach Plan
Ein Fototagebuch zur Dokumentation der Expedition
Ein Paar wasserdichte Expeditionsstiefel für Anlandungen und Zodiacfahrten (leihweise)
Ein spezieller Parka von Quark Expeditions®, den Sie behalten können
Haartrockner und Bademäntel in jeder Kabine
Alle sonstigen Service-Steuern und Hafengebühren während des Programms
Sämtliches Gepäckhandling an Bord des Schiffes
Notfall-Evakuierungsversicherung für alle Passagiere bis zu einer maximalen Leistung von USD $500.000 pro Person
Grönland-Reisen Kreuzfahrt-Passagiersteuer
Obligatorisches Transferpaket
Internationale Flugkosten
Transfers bei Ankunft und Abreise, außer wenn im obligatorischen Transferpaket aufgeführt
Reisepass- und Visakosten
Staatliche Ankunfts- und Abflugsteuern, die nicht oben aufgeführt sind
Mahlzeiten an Land, sofern nicht anders angegeben
Reisegepäck-, Reiserücktritts-, Reiseabbruch- und Reisekrankenversicherung – dringend empfohlen
Übergepäckgebühren bei internationalen Flügen
Obligatorische wasserdichte Hosen für Zodiacfahrten oder andere nicht erwähnte Ausrüstung
Wäsche-, Bar- und andere persönliche Kosten, sofern nicht angegeben
Telefon- und Internetgebühren
Freiwillige Trinkgelder am Ende der Reise für das Bordpersonal und die Crew
Zusätzliche Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten
Aktivitäten, die nicht in den Inklusivleistungen aufgeführt sind
Ihr Schiff ist die "Ultramarine". Ausführlich stellen wir Ihnen dieses Schiff auf unseren Schiffseiten vor. Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Schiff.
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